An A-Z collection of my favourite adages
that I am still working on
“Every moment of our lives we have the opportunity to become more than who we currently are. To be able to contribute and share what we already can do while constantly seeking ways to strengthen our weaknesses. Those who take the challenge, who find the courage to seek their higher selves by stretching out of their comfort zones, and by investing in living through exploration, knowledge discernment and practice, stand everything that life has to offer.” :John Chatteris:
I have collected these adages and proverbs from many different sources all my life; those by me :Jennifer M Atterton: are those I have created myself. I hope you enjoy reading them.
I have collected these adages and proverbs from many different sources all my life; those by me :Jennifer M Atterton: are those I have created myself. I hope you enjoy reading them.
Grace abused brings forth the foulest deeds, as the richest soil the most luxuriant weeds :Cowper:
Like the terminal disease, endless innuendos even is jest, need a miracle to cure the inevitable. :Jennifer M Atterton:
We consider the abuse of people the foulest of deeds; the worst of all evils; yet people are those that abuse our flora and fauna every hour of every day.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
If a man’s character is to be abused, say what you will, there’s no-one like a relation to do the business. :William Thackevay:
People can always be happy and glorious, not by what they wish they had, but by making something from what they already have.: Jennifer M Atterton:
If fortune gives thee less than thee has done, then make less fire and walk more in the sun. :Sir R Baker:
All colours will agree in the dark. :Francis Bacon:
We may despise the world, but we cannot do without it. :Baron Wessenburg:
Enjoy your life without comparing it with that of another. :Condorcet:
We love in others what we lack ourselves, and would be everything but what we are. :R. G. Stoddard:
If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have. :Proverb:
A living dog is better than a dead lion. :Ecclesiastes 9:4
Let us not strive to rise too high, that we may not fall too low. :Schiller:
If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun. :Proverb:
I was not born for courts or great affairs; I pay my debts, believe and say my prayers. :Pope:
You can never, by persistency make wrong right. :Johnson:
For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. :Timothy:
If you are not accepted with all your flaws and faults intact then you are not truly accepted at all. :Jennifer M Atterton:
You must accept yourself first and foremost if you want others to do the same. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Those who eat the nut, must crack the kernel. :Latin Proverb:
Forgetting the rest of the world, is the route to national suicide. :Thomas E Dewey:
No-one gets into trouble without their own help. :Danish Proverb:
Judge not, that ye be not judged. :St. Matthew 7:1:
To be accountable takes organisation, responsibility, knowledge, and innovation. :Jennifer M Atterton:
If you would have it well done, you must do yourself; you must not leave it to others. :Proverb:
Recipe for Achievement
1kg decision
250gms change
100gms help when necessary
150gms persistence
Combine all elements with 150% hard work then refrigerate to set. Use when ready. No stewing necessary. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Sometimes it is easier to do than to explain :Anonymous:
Procrastination, when your conscious is screaming, is far more detrimental to the soul than any sin. :Jennifer M Atterton:
One is scarcely sensible of fatigue whilst one marches to music. :Carlyle:
It is very difficult to think nobly when one thinks only to get a living. :Rousseau:
Habit, if not resisted, soon becomes a necessity. :St. Augustine:
An addiction is only an addiction when it controls you, not when you control it.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
It’s them that take advantage, that get advantage in this world. :George Elliot:
To take advantage of those closest to you only results in the path to disadvantage wherein the long run you lose your way. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Who cannot give good counsel? ‘Tis cheap, and cost you nothing. :Robert Burton:
You will catch more flies with a spoonful of honey than a cask of vinegar.
:Eastern Proverb:
Advice is seldom welcome, and those who want it the most , always like it the least.
:Lord Chesterfield:
Men come of age at sixty, women at fifteen. :James Stephens:
To be old is a glorious thing, when one has not learned what it means to begin. :Martin Buber:
Life is most delightful when it is on the downward slope :Seneca:
Age means nothing unless you let it. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Unity, agreement, is always silenced or soft-voiced; it is only discord that loudly proclaims itself. :Carlyle:
One can only concur when one chooses to accept the other’s point of view.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
Negotiation is not necessarily agreement. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Where water does not flow it remains at the same level. :Chinese Proverb:
Ambition is like dieting; it is either all talk or all action. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Animals are such agreeable friends, they ask no questions, they pass no criticism. :George Elliot:
I think I could turn and live with animals, they are so placid when self-contained. :Whitman:
Animals are like people, they have the same needs, and they suffer the same fate. We are wiping out animals exactly like we are wiping out people.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
People are supposed to be more evolved and intelligent than animals, but we are causing their extinction as well as our own. The irony. Poetic Justice, perhaps? :Jennifer M Atterton:
Quarrels would not last long if the wrong were only on one side. :LA Rochefoucauld:
No dispute is possible without any adversary. :Japanese Proverb:
Arguments let off steam but are rarely solved before cooling down.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
Great art is an instant arrested in eternity. :James C Huncker:
Art is one channel through which those who doubt their ability to express personal needs and feelings through confrontation can do so, without fear of rejection.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
:Jennifer M Atterton:
Discovering Art and creativity has no age or limitation.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
It is respectable to have no illusions and safe and profitable and dull. :Joseph Conrad:
Sometimes the message has to be blunt, so you will see the point. : Proverb:
Assertiveness is vastly different to aggressiveness on account that instead of suffering the pain of a shot “below the belt” you only gain a confidence booster. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.
:Samuel Butler:
Assumptions without knowledge are like being treated by a surgeon without instruments. :Jennifer M Atterton:
A little neglect may breed a lot of mischief. :Benjamin Franklin:
A child starved of attention is like a plant thirsting for moisture, if not cultivated, it will undeniably result in disease or death. :Jennifer M Atterton:
You will go most safely in the middle. :Ovid:
Be sure you can obey good laws, before you seek to alter bad ones. :Ruskin:
All colours will agree in the dark. :Francis Bacon:
The dawn does not come twice to awaken a man. :Arabic Proverb:
One who stumbles over the same stone twice is a fool. :Latin Proverb:
One who gives up the smallest part of a secret has the rest no longer in their power. :Jean Paul:
A man without a stick will be bitten even by a sheep. :Hindu Proverb:
Courage consists not in blindly overlooking danger, but in meeting it with the eyes open. :Jean Paul:
Diligence increases the fruits of labour. :Hesoid:
Discord loudly proclaims itself.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
One that high growth on cedars did bestow, gave also lowly mushrooms leave to grow. : Lord John Russell:
It is better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot. :Anatole France:
Industry is fortune’s right hand, and frugality is her left. :Benjamin franklin:
It is one thing to speak much, and another to speak pertinently. :Proverb:
Large streams from little fountains flow, tall oaks from little acorns grow.
:David Everett:
Unity, agreement, is always silenced or soft-voiced, it is only discord that loudly proclaims itself. :Carlyle:
Only a wise person knows when to reveal and when to keep counsel.
:Jennifer M Atterton :
Behaviour is a mirror in which each one shows their true image. :Goethe:
All the difference between the wise person and the fool is, that the wisest keep their counsel and the fool reveals it. : Gaelic Proverb:
Circumstances are beyond the control of individuals, but their conduct is in their own control. : Disraeli:
When a child misbehaves something needs addressing, when an adult misbehaves it can only be addressed through their own admission. :Jennifer M Atterton:
A smile takes but a moment, but the memory of it lasts forever. : Proverb:
The living need charity more than the dead. : George Arnold:
Brighten the corner where you are, but don’t forget there are other corners that need brightening. :Proverb:
Every good act is charity. A person’s true wealth hereafter is the good that they do inthis world to their people :Mahomet:
To punish and not prevent is to labour at the pump and leave open the leak. :Thomas Fuller:
Those who bestow their goods upon the poor, shall have as much again and ten times more. :John Bunyon:
While we have time, let us do good unto all people. : Galatians VI,10:
Caring is more than just tending to need; caring is natural affection and respect you have for someone or something other than yourself. :Jennifer M Atterton:
‘Tis better the devil you know than the devil you don’t. :Idiom:
Diligence increases the fruits of labour. :Hesoid:
Can one go upon hot coals, and one’s feet not be burned? :Bible:
Be sure you can obey good laws, before you seek to alter bad ones. :Ruskin:
Don’t try to change someone to satisfy you own needs, accept them as they are and all your needs will be met. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Change can only be positive as it renews the brain and extends your wisdom.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
The living need charity more than the dead. :George Arnold:
Children have more need of models than of critics :Joubert:
Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise.
:St. Matthew 21:16:
In every child there is a divine spark, it only wants kindling. :F Haydn Dimmock:
Children are a great comfort in your old age, and they help you reach it faster too.
:Lionel M Kauffman:
Out of themselves like a thread, the child spins pain and makes a net to catch the unknown world. : Judith Wright:
What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. :Ralph Waldo Emerson:
The future destiny of the child is always the work of the mother. :Napoleon Bonaparte:
Time with your children is precious and valuable, cherish it from the beginning because you can never re-create it, and you can never catch it again. : Jennifer M Atterton:
There is only good in your child’s soul, discover and nurture it with care. Do not try to alter it to serve your own needs. :Jennifer M Atterton:
He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find Christmas under a tree. :Roy L Smith:
Christmas is a special time for family and friends, don’t let it become a battle of wills from pent up regrets. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Journalists are like dogs; whenever anything stirs, they immediately begin to work. :Schopenhauer:
An artist’s career always starts tomorrow. : James McNeil Whistler:
There may be luck in getting a job, but there’s not luck in keeping it. :Jonathon Armour:
A professor is one who talks in someone else’s sleep. : W H Auden:
Few are open to conviction, but the majority are to persuasion. :Goethe:
Communication between people is like a row of locked doors; unless the right combinations of keys are applied, no door shall open. : Jennifer M Atterton:
Many can argue, not many converse. :A. B. Alcott:
Communication is the nucleus of life. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Good nature and good sense are usually companions :Pope:
Compatibility is only possible when each one is allowed to grow independently.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
Kind words are worth much and they cost little. :Proverb:
Compliments are the first step towards a tower of confidence. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Golden words open an iron door. :Turkish Proverb:
Compassion is an emotion of which we ought never to be ashamed. :Hugh Blair:
I’ve never any pity for conceited people, because I think they carry their comfort about with them. :George Elliot:
Conceit may puff a man up, but never prop him up. :Ruskin:
Except ye utter words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoke. :St. Paul:
It is one thing to speak much, and another to speak pertinently. :Proverb:
Everyone would rather believe than exercise their own judgement. :Seneca:
Few persons have courage to appear as good as they really are. :Hair:
I do not like crises, but I like the opportunities they provide. :John Reith:
One is born free – yet everywhere we are in irons. : Jean Jaques Rousseau:
Conform only to the extent of getting what you want out of education to do what you want out of life. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows the herd religiously. :Thoreau:
It is better to marry than to burn. :Corinthians:
Men are like sheep, of which a flock is more easily driven than a single one. :Whately:
Sometimes the message has to be blunt so you will see the point. :Proverb:
Confrontation can be a pathway to freedom when the road is blocked. :Jennifer M Atterton:
He who considers much, will accomplish little. :Schiller:
He that loses his conscience has nothing left worth keeping. :Izaak Walton:
You will never miss the right way if you only act according to your feelings. :Goethe:
Some seem to think that recreation means wreck creation. :Anonymous:
Though you live near a forest, do not waste the fires wood. :Chinese Proverb:
Brighten the corner where you are, but don’t forget there are other corners that need brightening. :Proverb:
Faith builds a bridge from the old world to the next. :Young:
Fear cannot keep a man out of danger, but courage only can support him in it. :Proverb:
Courage consists in not blindly overlooking danger, but in meeting it with the eyes open.
:Jean Paul:
Valour in distress challenges respect, even from an enemy. :Plutarch:
Only a coward’s insult a dying majesty. :Alsop:
An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less. :N. M. Butler:
The haves and have-nots can often be traced back to the did and the did nots. :W. Flynn:
Criticism is like champagne, nothing more execrable if bad, nothing more excellent if good. :Colton:
Critics are me who have failed in literature and art. :Disrael:
Curiousity didn’t kill the cat. The cat has nine lives. All it did was provide it with more experience.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
To be curious is healthy and necessary. Do not deprive your children of it, experience it with them. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Curiousity gives experience and knowledge, it is only a nuisance or a pest when your patience wears thin. :Jennifer M Atterton:
We should often be ashamed of our best actions if the world saw all their motives. :Proverb:
If persons deceive me once, shame on them; if they deceive me twice, shame on me. :Proverb:
Deceit is a game played only by small minds. :La Rochefoucauld:
The worst sin in the world is the art of deception, it severs the spirit and stains the soul. For those who practise it for their amusement, have no spirit and tarnished souls indeed.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
Hell is full of good meanings and wishings. :Herbert:
Like the terminal disease, endless innuendos, even in jest, need a miracle to cure the inevitable.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
Nothing wounds the heart and soul of a person more than the constant deprivation of their emotional needs. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Not the sharpest instrument, nor the deadliest weapon, pierces the heart so deeply, as words from the mouth of a bitter woman. :Jennifer M Atterton:
It is commonly the imagination which is wounded first, rather than the heart; it is so much more sensitive. :Thoreau:
Denial is just a temporary safety net and until you are ready to face the truth, and under no circumstances be pulled from beneath you. :Jennifer M Atterton:
We hate some persons because we do not know them, and we will not know them because we hate them. :Colton:
No one regards what is before their feet; we all gaze at the stars. :Quintus Ernicus:
If you don’t want the answer; you should not ask the question. :Jennifer M Atterton:
It is a boresome disease to try to keep healthy by following too strict a regimen.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
Dieting is like ambition, it is either all talk or all action. :Jennifer M Atterton:
We boil at different degrees. :Ralph Emerson:
Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone; solitude the glory of being alone. :Paul Tillich:
To be different is not a handicap, it is a statement that you are successful as an individual. :Jennifer M Atterton:
What is a weed? A plant who’s virtues have not yet been discovered. :Ralph Waldo Emerson:
You can tell when you are on the right road – it’s upgraded. :Atlanta Star:
When people maintain their dignity, the effects of adversity are far less severe.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
Eloquence is like a flame, it requires matter to feed on, motion to excite it, and it brightens as it burns. :Tacitus:
The diplomat sits in silence, watching the world with their ears. :Leon Sampson:
Diplomacy is to do and say the nastiest thing in the nicest way. : Isaac Goldberg:
Diplomacy is far wiser than hypocrisy in most situations. :Jennifer M Atterton:
If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. :St. Matthew 15:14:
He trudged along, unknowing what he sought, and whistled as he went, for want of thought. :Dryden:
Life is your own personal highway, by which you can detour many ways and grow, but this means it will bring you back closer or further from your destination. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Only a fool uttereth all his mind. :Proverbs 29:11:
Every author, in some degree portrays themselves in their works, be it even against their will. :Goethe:
All the difference between the wise one and the fool is, that the wise one keeps their counsel and the fool reveals it. : Gaelic Proverb:
If a person expects honesty through disclosure from others, they too must be prepared to disclose a degree of themselves. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Only a wise person knows, when to reveal and when to keep counsel. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Disobedience is not a sin; it is only the result of an imbalance of power, which gets you nowhere and by which everyone loses. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Disobedience only happens when you fail to consider mutual choice. : Jennifer M Atterton:
Saddle your dreams before you ride ‘em. : Mary Webb:
Dreams are windows that open doors to your wisest decisions. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Dreams are like traffic lights; they tell you when to stop, get ready and go. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Never let go of your dreams, work towards them, believe in them and they will become a reality.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
Education, frees the mind, easing the burden to choose one’s destiny. :Jennifer M Atterton:
It is the height of folly to throw up attempting, because you have failed. Failures are wonderful for developing the character. :Anonymous:
There can be no economy, where there is no efficiency. :Benjamin Disraeli:
Efficiency can only continue as long as good organisation and commitment prevails.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
Depend upon it, if a man talks of his misfortunes, there is something in them that to him is not disagreeable. :Johnson:
Egos are easily bruised when thoughts are pounding only on the self and not being shared with others. :Jennifer M Atterton:
In nine cases out of ten, the evil tongue belongs to a disappointed man. :Bancroft:
It is with our passions as it is with fire and water, they are good servants, but bad masters.
:Sir Roger L’Estrange:
Nothing wounds the heart and soul of a woman more than the constant deprivation of her emotional needs. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Emotions are like eggs, handle them with care or irreputable damage will be done.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
We boil at different degrees. :Ralph Emerson:
A soft answer turneth away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger. :Proverbs 15:
Empathy is vastly different from sympathy. Empathy is understanding, sympathy is often misunderstood. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Compassion is an emotion by which we ought never be ashamed. :Hugh Blair:
Correction does much, but encouragement does more. :Goethe:
Encouragement for trying rather than punishment for not, attracts cooperation and builds confidence. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Prosperity getteth friends, but adversity trieth them. :Marcos Pocurius:
Great things through greatest hazards are achieved, and then they shine. :Beaumont:
Genius begins great works, labour done finishes them. :Joubert:
Caesar had perished from the world of men, had not his sword been rescued by his pen.
:Henry Vaughan:
He that high growth on cedars did bestow, gave also lowly mushrooms leave to grow. : R. Southwell:
Every absurdity has a champion to defend it; for error is talkative :Goldsmith:
Caesar had perished from the world of men, had not his sword been resolved by his pen. :Henry Vaughan:
Evidence is not fact alone, it also needs experience and a dash of intuition. :Jennifer M Atterton:
To whom nothing is given, of him can nothing be required. :Henry Fielding:
Expect not what you cannot give back. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Diligence increases the fruits of labour : Hesoid:
Daily life is more instructive than the most effective book. :Goethe:
Proverbs are short sentences, drawn from long experience. :Cervantes:
Could everything be done twice, it would be done better. :German Proverb:
The years teach much which the days never know. : Ralph Waldo Emerson:
Experience is the best teacher, only the school fees are heavy. : Hegel:
He who stumbles twice of the same stone is a fool. :Latin Proverb:
Experience is the vision of the future; the foundation by which the scaffold of success is built, and without it, you can never grow. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Gaining experience requires the ability to learn by your own and other’s mistakes.
:Jennifer M Attterton:
Experience is the art of getting up after being knocked down over and over again.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
Fairness costs nothing, gains respect, and keeps peace of mind. :Jennifer M Atterton:
He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find Christmas under a tree. :Roy L Smith:
Faith is generally strongest in those whose character may be called weakest.
:Mime De Stoel:
:Mime De Stoel:
Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned? :Bible:
Take short views, hope for the best, and trust in God. :S Smith:
Prosperity getteth friends, but adversity trieth them. :Marcus Pocurius:
Faith builds a bridge from the old world to the next. :Young:
Faith opens a way for the understanding; unbelief closes it. :St Augustine:
Faith is not the beginning, but the end of all knowledge. :Goethe:
I was not born for courts of great affairs; I pay my debts, believe and say my prayers. :The Pope:
God often visits us, but most of the time we are not at home. :Joseph Roux:
If you don’t have faith in your own abilities, no amount of teaching will convince you otherwise.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
Fame comes only when deserved, and it is as inevitable as destiny, for it is destiny. :Longfellow:
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.
To achieve fame, you have to firstly desire fame, secondly prepare for fame, thirdly set a goal and lastly work endlessly hard to accomplish it. :Jennifer M Atterton:
If you want to know a man, make a solitary journey with him. :Proverb:
Familiarity either breeds friendship or drives it to extinction. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Fate is the friend of the good, the guide of the wise, the tyrant of the foolish, the enemy of the bad. :W R Alger:
Fame comes only when deserved, and then it is as inevitable as destiny, for it is destiny. :Longfellow:
Man doth what he can, and God what he will. :Proverb:
I believe fate is a personal highway, where you take side roads and paths, but you end up back on your personal highway of life. : Jennifer M Atterton:
It is not so much the being exempt from faults, as the having overcome them, that is an advantage to us. :Swift:
Nothing is easier than fault-finding; no talent, no self-denial. No brains are required to set up in the grumbling business. : Robert West:
He who tells the failings of others to you, will be ready to tell your failings to others.
:Turkish Proverb:
An honest good look covereth many faults. :Thomas Fuller:
Bad men excuse their faults; good men will leave them. : Ben Johnson:
Those who constantly find fault should never look in a mirror. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Until you know as much about other people’s affairs as they do themselves, it is not very safe to laugh at them or to find fault with them. :W. E. Forster:
Fear can be blown out of proportion when fuelled with an overactive imagination.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
Fear cannot keep a man out of danger, but courage can only support him in it. :Proverb:
Dismiss your vows, your feigned tears, your flattery! For where the heart is hard they make no battery. :Shakespeare:
Share your feelings, and a world of options will open up to you. : Jennifer M Atterton.
If your trouble is of long standing, try kneeling. :Proverb:
We hand folks over to God’s mercy, and show none ourselves. :George Eliot:
Those who cannot find forgiveness in their heart, cannot expect forgiveness to find them.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time. :R Jefferson:
The most beautiful thing in the world is freedom of speech. :Diogenes:
Freedom and responsibility are like Siamese twins; they die if they are parted. :Lilian Smith:
Freedom is precious; you can put it on hold but never forget it or you will lose it.
:Jennifer M Atterton:
False friends are like our shadow, close to us while we walk in the sunshine, but leaving us the instant we cross into the shade. :Bovee:
The only reward of virtue is virtue, the only way to have a friend is to be one.
:Ralph Waldo Emerson:
A true friend is one who makes us do what we can. :Phelps:
Thou is my friend that helps me, and not thou that pities me. :Proverb:
The best preservative to keep the mind in health is the faithful admonition of a friend. :Bacon:
A friend does not have to be next to you constantly in body they always there in your heart and in your spirit. :Jennifer M Atterton:
A true friend is one you can contact any time and anywhere, just by picking up the phone, writing a letter or sending an email, they will always be at the other end. :Jennifer M Atterton:
A true friend speaks to you like you are always right there It does not matter how often or when you contact each other, we speak to our true friends like we saw them today. :Jennifer M Atterton:
Money is like mush, not good except it be spread. :Frances Bacon:
He that bestows his goods upon the poor shall have as much again and ten times more.
:John Bunyan:
To be generous with a smile costs nothing and has no strings attached. : Jennifer M Atterton:
It is more blessed to give than receive. :St. John 20:35:
Let him who gives, say nothing, and him who receives speak. :Portuguese Proverb:
Giving is the true gift of love: Love is true gift of giving. : Jennifer M Atterton:
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