Anecdotes for Cat Lovers
Anecdotes for Cat Lovers have been collected over the many years I have had cats. Everything here has happened to me. Ever since I was a child, I have spiritually felt the need to have them around me.
You spread out the newspaper to a page you have been waiting all day to read and two furry bodies have plopped themselves down right in the middle of the article you are reading. They look up at you nonchalantly with those big almond-shaped eyes and say in their own way, "Hello, I'm here, how about some attention."
You are running late for a bus and you go to the bedroom to gather your bag and it has become unusually heavy. Halfway down the street in a rush to catch the bus, out of the small gap in your bag pops two little eyes and two little paws.
You are about to go to sleep and as you move into a comfortable position suddenly your toes become play objects for your cats' amusement, move your toes and they are followed.
You arrive home exhausted, and are about to sit down in your favourite chair and there are one or is it two new fur cushions added to the decor?
You open your wardrobe to pick out an outfit, and you scream as a live 'fur coat' jumps out and attacks you.
You are making your childrens' bed and discover an extra soft toy on the pillow and when you attempt to put it in its rightful place it rolls over and blinks at you.
You are outside in the garden and your cats become acrobats as they perform back flips trying to catch a butterfly or moth.
You are making your bed and out from beneath pops two paws and sometimes a nose. You move around to the other side and there are those two and sometimes three 'things' again. As you move back around to finish the job, your feet are attacked by those 'under the bed things.'
You are watching your cats walking around something on the floor, stalking, and closing in. They slowly stalk closer, sniff and prod this thing on the floor. Suddenly in fear and confusion they hiss and leap straight up, afraid of an attack from the ferocious pattern in the lino.
You are reading a book and your favourite fluffy friend is lying elongated on the carpet close to the wall. You look up to a thump and find your half-asleep cat hard against the wall, thinking it had room to roll over. Rolling back it sleepily looks up, blinks and looks around, not knowing quite where it is.
You are watching television when a flurry of furry bodies flash past your eyes, up over the lounge, down behind the chair, over the table and suddenly screeching to a halt, bounds straight up on your lap and looks up at you saying, "Well, are you impressed?"
Your furry friend greets you on a frosty morning, headbutting your face trying to wriggle its way under the bed clothes. Saying "Good Morning?" Oh no! More like, "I want in, I'm cold."
You wake up in the middle of the night and feel a furry body draped around your head. You turn over and feel a couple of cold padded paws flop into you eyes. It adjusts itself and settles back down to sleep.
You hear a thud..thud..thudding as your cat does back flips up the wall. "I want out! I want out! Have I got your attention yet? I want out!"
You wake feeling a number of swipes gently padding on your face. No claws, just paws. "I'm up so its feeding time, get up! get up!" You turn over to ignore and there are those padded paw pats again on the other side. "Come on time to get up, time to feed me!"
Last but not least, you watch your two favourite friends cleaning and smooching each other until one of them flops down as its legs turn to jelly and collapse in a contented heap.
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